1. SIGPLAN EC Member at Large 2025 - 2027.
  2. PC Member of IWACO 2024.
  3. Research Committee Co-Chair for OOPSLA 2024.
  4. PC Member of Onward! Papers 2023.
  5. PC Member of FormaliSE 2023.
  6. PC Member of ECOOP 2023.
  7. RC Member of Programming 2022 and 2023.
  8. PC Member of FormaliSE 2022.
  9. PC Member of ECOOP 2022.
  10. PC Member of IWACO 2021.
  11. PC Member of APLAS 2021.
  12. ERC Member of OOPSLA 2021.
  13. Program Committee Member of ICCQ 2021.
  14. Steering Committee Member of SPLASH/OOPSLA Conferences from 2020.
  15. General Chair of SPLASH 2022 (co-located with APLAS 2022) in Auckland, NZ.
  16. Program Committee Member of ESOP 2021.
  17. Virtualisation Co-Chair of SPLASH 2020.
  18. Program Committee Member of GPCE 2020.
  19. Review Committee Member of OOPSLA 2020.
  20. Steering Committee Member of SAPLING from 2019.
  21. Program Committee Member of GPCE 2019.
  22. Program Committee Member of PLDI 2019 Student Research Competition.
  23. Program Committee Member of HotSoS 2019.
  24. Review Committee Member of OOPSLA 2019 PACM Issue.
  25. Program Committee Member of ECOOP 2019.
  26. Publications Co-Chair for ICFP 2018.
  27. Workshops Co-Chair for SPLASH 2018.
  28. General Chair of APLAS 2018.
  29. Program Committee Member of APSEC 2017.
  30. Co-Chair of New Object-Oriented Languages (NOOL) 2017 workshop.
  31. Workshops Co-Chair for SPLASH 2017.
  32. Program Committee Member of the ACSC 2017.
  33. Program Committee Member of the NOOL 2016.
  34. Program Committee Member of the APLAS 2016.
  35. Program Committee Member of the FTfJP 2016.
  36. Program Co-Chair for APSEC 2016.
  37. Publications Co-Chair for SPLASH 2017.
  38. Publications Chair for SPLASH 2016.
  39. Chair of New Object-Oriented Languages (NOOL) 2015.
  40. Program Committee Member of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) 2016.
  41. Program Committee Member of the ACSC 2016.
  42. Publications Chair for SPLASH 2015.
  43. Extended Review Committee Member for the PLDI 2015.
  44. Program Committee Member of the ACSC 2015.
  45. Program Committee Member of the FOOL 2014.
  46. Program Committee Member of the Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA) 2014 conference.
  47. Program Committee Member of the Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC) 2013. (Part of ACSW2013.) Adelaide, Australia.
  48. Program Committee Member of the Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC) 2012. (Part of ACSW2012.) Melbourne, Australia.
  49. Extended Review Committee Member for the Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA) 2011 conference. Portland, OR, USA.
  50. Program Committee Member of the International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement, and Ownership (IWACO) 2011 at European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) 2011.
  51. Program Committee Co-Chair of the Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS) 2011. (Part of ACSW2011.) Perth, Australia.
  52. Program Committee Member of the Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC) 2011. (Part of ACSW2011.) Perth, Australia.
  53. Conference Coordinator (2010 Onwards) as part of Computing in Research and Education (CORE) Executive.
  54. Program Committee Co-Chair of the Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS) 2010. (Part of ACSW2010.) Brisbane, Australia.
  55. Program Committee Member of the Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC) 2010. (Part of ACSW2010.) Brisbane, Australia.
  56. General Co-Chair of the Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW) 2009. Wellington, New Zealand.
  57. Program Committee Member of the International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement, and Ownership (IWACO) 2007 at European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP2007). Berlin, Germany. (2007).
  58. General Chair of the 15th PhD Workshop and Doctoral Symposium at European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP2005). Glasgow, Scotland. (25 - 29 July, 2005).
  59. Local Organising Chair of the 2nd International Dylan Hackers Conference (DHC2004). Wellington, New Zealand. (4 - 6 February, 2004).