- Sasha Pak (PhD 2024 - 2027), Co-Supervised
with Ilya Sergey at NUS
and Fabian
Muehlboeck, Rust Made Easier
- Edwin Singh (PhD 2022 - 2028 (part time)), Co-Supervised
with Jennifer
Ferreira at VUW
and Alwen
Tiu, Why Language Designers Do Modules The Way They Do
(Grounded Theory Study)
- Zara Hassan (PhD 2023 - 2025),
Co-Supervised Christoph
Treude at SMU
and Michael
and Graham
Williams, Reprodicibility Debt in Scientific
- Iko-Ojo Simon (PhD 2023 - 2025), Co-Supervised
with Hanna
and Chirath
and Fatemeh
H. Fard at UBC, Algorithmic Debt
- Fahimeh Hoseinnia (PhD 2023 - 2026 at VUW), Co-Supervised
with Jennifer
Ferreira at VUW
and James
Quilty at VUW, Agricultural Pollution Data Marketplace and
- Maximillian Kodetzki (PhD 2022 - 2025 at KIT), Co-Supervised
with Ina Schaefer
- Lachlan Graham (Honours in 2024), Co-Supervised
with Alwen
Tiu, Capabilities from High Level to Hardware
- Zack Noyes (Honours in 2024), Co-Supervised
with Alwen
Tiu, Information Flow
- Matt Britton (Honours in 2024 - 2025), Rust Refactoring
- Ziling Ouyang (Honours in 2024), Co-Supervised
with Fabian
Mühlböck, Abstract and Algebraic Effects
- Matthew Gates (BAC RnD Project in 2024 S2), Coq
Formalisation of Tagged Objects
- Amos Robinson (Postdoc 2023 - 2025 at ANU), Higher Level
Invariants with Lark
- David Young (Project as part of their PhD Thesis at KU in
2021 - 2024), Co-Supervised
with Ilya Sergey at NUS
and Liyi
Li at Iowa State University, Higher Order Specifications
for Program Synthesis
- Guanming Ou (Honours at ANU in 2023), Co-Supervised
with Fabian
and Jonathan
Aldrich at CMU, Abstract and Algebraic Effects in Wyvern
- Ziling Ouyang (Third Year Project at ANU in 2023),
with Fabian
and Jonathan
Aldrich at CMU, Abstract and Algebraic Effects in Wyvern
- Richard Susilo (Honours at ANU in 2023), Co-Supervised
with Fabian
Mühlböck, IDE-Driven Partial Semantics for Wyvern
- Jaxon Kneipp (Honours at ANU in 2023), Co-Supervised
with Michael
Anenburg, Visualisation App for REM Discovery
- Aniket Shaha (RA via FRT 2023), Classification of CVE's to
Identify the Use for Capability-Enabled Modules in Language
- Abhaas Goyal (Honours at ANU in 2022 - 2023), Co-Supervised
with Jonathan
Aldrich at CMU, Usability Study of Capable vs Incapable
- Naisheng Liang (Honours at ANU in 2023), Breaking or Security
of IntelliJ Plugins via Language Security Techniques
- Xinyi (Kayla) Li (RA via Google 2023), Co-Supervised
with Matthew
Roberts at Macquire University, Survey of FM Curriculum in
- Tobias Runge (PhD Thesis in 2019 - 2022 (based at KIT and
formerly at TU Braunschweig), CbC with Ownership and Traits,
Co-Supervised with Ina Schaefer and Marco Servetto
- Leon Bowie (RA in 2021, 2022), AgriDataTrade
Marketplace with N Leaching Sensor Network for NZ Farms
- Sophia Roshal (RA in 2021 and 2022 (based at CMU and
Cornell)), Decidable Nominal Subtyping in Wyvern,
Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich
- Richard Susilo (Undergraduate Research Project in 2022 at
- Nik Bielski (PhD Thesis attempted in 2022 - 2023 (part time,
suspended in 2023)), Co-Supervised
with Bastiaan
Kleijn at VUW
and Heyang
(Thomas) Li at UC
- Manish Singh (PhD Thesis attempted in 2017 - 2022 (part
time, suspended in 2021)), Lock Free Balanced BST's,
with Lindsay
- Rowan Rathod (ENGR489 attempted in 2021), Automated Farm Sensing on a
Robonomics Platform
- Samantha Hau (ENGR489 in 2021), WFA Events App
- Dominic Tjiptono (ENGR489 in 2021), Haskell in the Real World,
with James
- Maxwell Clarke (2020/2021 Summer RA based at VUW), Wyvern
Effects and FFI
- Timothy Mou (2020 Summer RA based at CMU), Wyvern Decidable
Nominal Type Member Subtyping Implementation, Co-Supervised
with Jonathan Aldrich
- Anlun Xu (Masters at CMU in 2020), Bounded Abstract Effects,
with Jonathan Aldrich
- Carl Bennett (ENGR489 in 2019), A Study In Mobile App and Web
- Cameron Laing (ENGR489 in 2019), Reproducing an Existing
Empirical PL or SE Study
- Billy Zhu (Masters at CMU in 2018/2019), Nominal Type Members, Co-Supervised
with Jonathan Aldrich
- Henry Nelson (2018 Summer RA based at CMU), Wyvern JavaScript
Backend and Bytecode, Co-Supervised
with Jonathan Aldrich
- Justin Lubin (2018 Summer RA based at CMU), Wyvern Effects,
with Jonathan Aldrich
- Andre Westerlund (ENGR489 in 2018), Wyvern Secure Web
Server, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich
- Tu Dinh (ENGR489 in 2018), Wyvern REPL, Co-Supervised
with Jonathan Aldrich
- Zacary Paynter (ENGR489 in 2018, Co-Supervised with Lindsay
Groves), Non Blocking Priority Queues Review and Performance
- Miten Chauhan (ENGR489 in 2017), Industrial Project with PlanIT
- Neel Patel (ENGR489 in 2017), Industrial Project with
- Callum Gil (ENGR489 in 2017), Industrial Project with Haunt
- Baptiste Pauget (RA in February - July 2017, Whiley to FPGA,
Co-Supervised with David Pearce)
- Aaron Craig (COMP489 2016/2017, Effects and Capabilities in
Wyvern, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich from CMU and Lindsay
- Robbie McKinstry (RA based at CMU in 2016, Wyvern
Implementation, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich from CMU)
- Luke Inkster (ENGR489 in 2016, Inheritance vs Delegation Study,
Co-Supervised with James Noble)
- Daniel Campbell (COMP489 in 2016, Macros in Rust, Co-Supervised
with Nick Cameron from Mozilla Corporation)
- Aaron Craig (Summer RA in 2015/2016, Verification Support for
Wyvern, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich from CMU and Lindsay
- Daniel Campbell (Summer RA in 2015/2016, Tool Support for Macros
in Rust, Co-Supervised with Nick Cameron from Mozilla
- Garming Sam (BE Honours in 2015, Refactorings in Rust,
Co-Supervised with Nick Cameron from Mozilla Corporation)
- Jui Deshpande (BE Honours in 2015, Automatic Data Quality
Analysis Tool for Airways NZ), Co-Supervised
with Hui
- Mate Antunovic (BE Honours attempted in 2015, RR, Co-Supervised with
Robert O'Callahan from Mozilla Corporation)
- Julian Mackay (PhD Thesis in 2015 - 2019, Wyvern Type Members),
with Jonathan Aldrich
and Lindsay
- Darya Melicher (PhD Thesis in 2013 - 2019, Wyvern Modules, CMU),
Primary Supervisor
is Jonathan Aldrich
- Troy Shaw (BE Honours Thesis in 2014, Tagged Types
Implementation for Wyvern)
- Tim Sullivan (BSc Honours Thesis in 2014, Interpreter for
Grace), Co-Supervised
with James
- Ahmed Khalifa (PhD Thesis started in 2010 and defended in
2013, Ownership and Immutability in the Real World), Co-Supervised
with James
- Morgan Atkins (MSc Thesis in 2012, Survey of Concurrency
Features in OO Programming Languages), Co-Supervised
with Lindsay
- Julian Mackay (MSc Thesis in 2012, Mechanised Theorem Proving in
COQ for Ownership and Immutability), Co-Supervised
with Lindsay
- Morgan Atkins (RA in summer 2010/2011, X10 Programming Language
and Clocked References)
- Morgan Atkins (BSc Honours Thesis in 2011, X10 Programming
- Julian Mackay (BSc Honours Thesis in 2011, Mechanised Theorem
Proving in COQ), Co-Supervised
with Lindsay
- Felix Shi (BE 400-level Thesis in 2011, JavaScript Type
Inference), Co-Supervised
with Lindsay
- Jan Larres (MSc Thesis in 2011, Performance Variations
Analysis in Mozilla Firefox), Co-Supervised
with Yuichi
- Constantine Dymnikov (MSc Thesis in 2011, Modular
Ownership Inference), Co-Supervised
with David
- Hien Tran (BE 400-level Thesis in 2010, Automated Analysis of
Map Labelling for GIS Users), Co-Supervised
with Mairead
de Roiste from SGEES
- Hannes Mehnert (RA in summer 2009/2010, Ownership and
Immutability, Co-Supervised
with Nicholas
- Constantine Dymnikov (RA in 2009/2010, Ownership Inference)
- Andrew Walbran (RA in 2009, OIGJ Compiler)
- Gustav van der Merwe (RA in 2009, Ownership, Immutability and
- Paley Li (BSc Honours Thesis in 2008, Ownership and
Immutability), Co-Supervised
with James
and Lindsay
- Andrew Childs (BSc Honours Thesis in 2008, Eliminating Redundant
Null Checks), Co-Supervised
with Lindsay
- Paley Li (RA in 2008, Ownership and Immutability)
- Radu Muschevici (MSc Thesis in 2007/2008, Multimethods),
with James
- Neil Ramsay (BIT Thesis in 2007, Software Visualisation),
with Stuart
- Leo Gui (BIT Thesis attempted in 2007, Usability of Teaching
Tools), Co-Supervised
with Stuart
- Christo Fogelberg (RA in 2007, Ownership in Collections)