
  1. Sasha Pak (PhD 2024 - 2027), Co-Supervised with Ilya Sergey at NUS and Fabian Muehlboeck, Rust Made Easier
  2. Edwin Singh (PhD 2022 - 2028 (part time)), Co-Supervised with Jennifer Ferreira at VUW and Alwen Tiu, Why Language Designers Do Modules The Way They Do (Grounded Theory Study)
  3. Zara Hassan (PhD 2023 - 2025), Co-Supervised Christoph Treude at SMU and Michael Norrish and Graham Williams, Reprodicibility Debt in Scientific Software
  4. Iko-Ojo Simon (PhD 2023 - 2025), Co-Supervised with Hanna Suominen and Chirath Hettiarachchi and Fatemeh H. Fard at UBC, Algorithmic Debt
  5. Fahimeh Hoseinnia (PhD 2023 - 2026 at VUW), Co-Supervised with Jennifer Ferreira at VUW and James Quilty at VUW, Agricultural Pollution Data Marketplace and DAOs
  6. Maximillian Kodetzki (PhD 2022 - 2025 at KIT), Co-Supervised with Ina Schaefer
  7. Lachlan Graham (Honours in 2024), Co-Supervised with Alwen Tiu, Capabilities from High Level to Hardware
  8. Zack Noyes (Honours in 2024), Co-Supervised with Alwen Tiu, Information Flow
  9. Matt Britton (Honours in 2024 - 2025), Rust Refactoring


  1. Ziling Ouyang (Honours in 2024), Co-Supervised with Fabian Mühlböck, Abstract and Algebraic Effects
  2. Matthew Gates (BAC RnD Project in 2024 S2), Coq Formalisation of Tagged Objects
  3. Amos Robinson (Postdoc 2023 - 2025 at ANU), Higher Level Invariants with Lark
  4. David Young (Project as part of their PhD Thesis at KU in 2021 - 2024), Co-Supervised with Ilya Sergey at NUS and Liyi Li at Iowa State University, Higher Order Specifications for Program Synthesis
  5. Guanming Ou (Honours at ANU in 2023), Co-Supervised with Fabian Mühlböck and Jonathan Aldrich at CMU, Abstract and Algebraic Effects in Wyvern (Theory)
  6. Ziling Ouyang (Third Year Project at ANU in 2023), Co-Supervised with Fabian Mühlböck and Jonathan Aldrich at CMU, Abstract and Algebraic Effects in Wyvern (Implementation)
  7. Richard Susilo (Honours at ANU in 2023), Co-Supervised with Fabian Mühlböck, IDE-Driven Partial Semantics for Wyvern
  8. Jaxon Kneipp (Honours at ANU in 2023), Co-Supervised with Michael Anenburg, Visualisation App for REM Discovery
  9. Aniket Shaha (RA via FRT 2023), Classification of CVE's to Identify the Use for Capability-Enabled Modules in Language Security
  10. Abhaas Goyal (Honours at ANU in 2022 - 2023), Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich at CMU, Usability Study of Capable vs Incapable Modules
  11. Naisheng Liang (Honours at ANU in 2023), Breaking or Security of IntelliJ Plugins via Language Security Techniques
  12. Xinyi (Kayla) Li (RA via Google 2023), Co-Supervised with Matthew Roberts at Macquire University, Survey of FM Curriculum in Australasia
  13. Tobias Runge (PhD Thesis in 2019 - 2022 (based at KIT and formerly at TU Braunschweig), CbC with Ownership and Traits, Co-Supervised with Ina Schaefer and Marco Servetto
  14. Leon Bowie (RA in 2021, 2022), AgriDataTrade Marketplace with N Leaching Sensor Network for NZ Farms
  15. Sophia Roshal (RA in 2021 and 2022 (based at CMU and Cornell)), Decidable Nominal Subtyping in Wyvern, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich
  16. Richard Susilo (Undergraduate Research Project in 2022 at ANU)
  17. Nik Bielski (PhD Thesis attempted in 2022 - 2023 (part time, suspended in 2023)), Co-Supervised with Bastiaan Kleijn at VUW and Heyang (Thomas) Li at UC
  18. Manish Singh (PhD Thesis attempted in 2017 - 2022 (part time, suspended in 2021)), Lock Free Balanced BST's, Co-Supervised with Lindsay Groves
  19. Rowan Rathod (ENGR489 attempted in 2021), Automated Farm Sensing on a Robonomics Platform
  20. Samantha Hau (ENGR489 in 2021), WFA Events App
  21. Dominic Tjiptono (ENGR489 in 2021), Haskell in the Real World, Co-Supervised with James Noble
  22. Maxwell Clarke (2020/2021 Summer RA based at VUW), Wyvern Effects and FFI
  23. Timothy Mou (2020 Summer RA based at CMU), Wyvern Decidable Nominal Type Member Subtyping Implementation, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich (CMU)
  24. Anlun Xu (Masters at CMU in 2020), Bounded Abstract Effects, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich (CMU)
  25. Carl Bennett (ENGR489 in 2019), A Study In Mobile App and Web Frameworks
  26. Cameron Laing (ENGR489 in 2019), Reproducing an Existing Empirical PL or SE Study
  27. Billy Zhu (Masters at CMU in 2018/2019), Nominal Type Members, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich (CMU)
  28. Henry Nelson (2018 Summer RA based at CMU), Wyvern JavaScript Backend and Bytecode, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich (CMU)
  29. Justin Lubin (2018 Summer RA based at CMU), Wyvern Effects, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich (CMU)
  30. Andre Westerlund (ENGR489 in 2018), Wyvern Secure Web Server, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich (CMU)
  31. Tu Dinh (ENGR489 in 2018), Wyvern REPL, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich (CMU)
  32. Zacary Paynter (ENGR489 in 2018, Co-Supervised with Lindsay Groves), Non Blocking Priority Queues Review and Performance Comparison
  33. Miten Chauhan (ENGR489 in 2017), Industrial Project with PlanIT
  34. Neel Patel (ENGR489 in 2017), Industrial Project with PlanIT
  35. Callum Gil (ENGR489 in 2017), Industrial Project with Haunt
  36. Baptiste Pauget (RA in February - July 2017, Whiley to FPGA, Co-Supervised with David Pearce)
  37. Aaron Craig (COMP489 2016/2017, Effects and Capabilities in Wyvern, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich from CMU and Lindsay Groves)
  38. Robbie McKinstry (RA based at CMU in 2016, Wyvern Implementation, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich from CMU)
  39. Luke Inkster (ENGR489 in 2016, Inheritance vs Delegation Study, Co-Supervised with James Noble)
  40. Daniel Campbell (COMP489 in 2016, Macros in Rust, Co-Supervised with Nick Cameron from Mozilla Corporation)
  41. Aaron Craig (Summer RA in 2015/2016, Verification Support for Wyvern, Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich from CMU and Lindsay Groves)
  42. Daniel Campbell (Summer RA in 2015/2016, Tool Support for Macros in Rust, Co-Supervised with Nick Cameron from Mozilla Corporation)
  43. Garming Sam (BE Honours in 2015, Refactorings in Rust, Co-Supervised with Nick Cameron from Mozilla Corporation)
  44. Jui Deshpande (BE Honours in 2015, Automatic Data Quality Analysis Tool for Airways NZ), Co-Supervised with Hui Ma
  45. Mate Antunovic (BE Honours attempted in 2015, RR, Co-Supervised with Robert O'Callahan from Mozilla Corporation)
  46. Julian Mackay (PhD Thesis in 2015 - 2019, Wyvern Type Members), Co-Supervised with Jonathan Aldrich (CMU) and Lindsay Groves
  47. Darya Melicher (PhD Thesis in 2013 - 2019, Wyvern Modules, CMU), Primary Supervisor is Jonathan Aldrich (CMU)
  48. Troy Shaw (BE Honours Thesis in 2014, Tagged Types Implementation for Wyvern)
  49. Tim Sullivan (BSc Honours Thesis in 2014, Interpreter for Grace), Co-Supervised with James Noble
  50. Ahmed Khalifa (PhD Thesis started in 2010 and defended in 2013, Ownership and Immutability in the Real World), Co-Supervised with James Noble
  51. Morgan Atkins (MSc Thesis in 2012, Survey of Concurrency Features in OO Programming Languages), Co-Supervised with Lindsay Groves
  52. Julian Mackay (MSc Thesis in 2012, Mechanised Theorem Proving in COQ for Ownership and Immutability), Co-Supervised with Lindsay Groves
  53. Morgan Atkins (RA in summer 2010/2011, X10 Programming Language and Clocked References)
  54. Morgan Atkins (BSc Honours Thesis in 2011, X10 Programming Language)
  55. Julian Mackay (BSc Honours Thesis in 2011, Mechanised Theorem Proving in COQ), Co-Supervised with Lindsay Groves
  56. Felix Shi (BE 400-level Thesis in 2011, JavaScript Type Inference), Co-Supervised with Lindsay Groves
  57. Jan Larres (MSc Thesis in 2011, Performance Variations Analysis in Mozilla Firefox), Co-Supervised with Yuichi Hirose
  58. Constantine Dymnikov (MSc Thesis in 2011, Modular Ownership Inference), Co-Supervised with David Pearce
  59. Hien Tran (BE 400-level Thesis in 2010, Automated Analysis of Map Labelling for GIS Users), Co-Supervised with Mairead de Roiste from SGEES
  60. Hannes Mehnert (RA in summer 2009/2010, Ownership and Immutability, Co-Supervised with Nicholas Cameron)
  61. Constantine Dymnikov (RA in 2009/2010, Ownership Inference)
  62. Andrew Walbran (RA in 2009, OIGJ Compiler)
  63. Gustav van der Merwe (RA in 2009, Ownership, Immutability and GADT's)
  64. Paley Li (BSc Honours Thesis in 2008, Ownership and Immutability), Co-Supervised with James Noble and Lindsay Groves
  65. Andrew Childs (BSc Honours Thesis in 2008, Eliminating Redundant Null Checks), Co-Supervised with Lindsay Groves
  66. Paley Li (RA in 2008, Ownership and Immutability)
  67. Radu Muschevici (MSc Thesis in 2007/2008, Multimethods), Co-Supervised with James Noble
  68. Neil Ramsay (BIT Thesis in 2007, Software Visualisation), Co-Supervised with Stuart Marshall
  69. Leo Gui (BIT Thesis attempted in 2007, Usability of Teaching Tools), Co-Supervised with Stuart Marshall
  70. Christo Fogelberg (RA in 2007, Ownership in Collections)