About Me
My research area is programming languages. I work on the
mathematical principles that define the behaviour of the essential
tool that software engineers use to craft all the amazing
technology surrounding us today. My contributions to type systems
around ownership, immutability, and capabilities redefined the
security guarantees that modern software engineering can
Impact: My work over the first decade of my career
involved the concepts of ownership and immutability and how to
provide usable language support for both with the help of type
parameters. My approach has now been widely adopted by
the Rust programming
language as “lifetime parameters”. Throughout my career, I worked
with small startups, including being employee number 3 at
Innaworks in 2006, where I
pioneered language
translation research between different platforms. The
well-known ``The Performance of Open Source Applications'' book
cites my
research with my Master's student Jan Larres that
revolutionised the performance evaluations in Talos and similar
systems from the early 2010s. In the second decade, I worked on
the design and production of a usable and secure programming
language called Wyvern
that utilises object capabilities and effects. A popular
configuration language
called CUE is used widely
within Alibaba’s cloud and service configuration. CUE based its
module system design on the Wyvern modules.
Alex completed his PhD in 2006 on Generic Ownership - showing
how type polymorphism can be used to provide ownership type
support in any language, such as the
modern-day Rust Programming
Language that popularised this approach. Alex went on to show
deep connections between ownership and immutability with the help
of the Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Funding in 2008 - 2011
with a book chapter
on Immutability outlining all
the core outcomes of this novel approach.
After a full-year sabbatical at what was then
the Institute for Software
Research at Carnegie Mellon University working with Professor
Jonathan Aldrich, Alex created a novel general-purpose
Wyvern Programming
Language designed from the ground up with security and
usability as its primary goals. There were a large number of
students and publications that came out of that project over the
following decade including novel ideas
for type-specific
and decidable
typing for type members - some of which are reflected in the
modern generation of the
industrial Scala Programming
Alex is currently working on some ideas for the modern module
systems designs based on capabilities, combinations of abstract
and algebraic effects, and other programming language design ideas
including for the world of fully verified and secure
Publications (Feel Free to Email Me for a Copy)
Book Chapters
- James Noble, Alex Potanin, Toby Murray, Mark
S. Miller. Abstract
and Concrete Data Types vs Object Capabilities. In
P. Müller and Ina Schaefer (Eds.): Principled Software
Development - Essays Dedicated to Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter on the
Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Springer,
Heidelberg. 2018.
- Alex Potanin, Johan Ostlund, Yoav Zibin, Michael D. Ernst.
In D. Clarke et
al. (Eds.): Aliasing
in Object-Oriented Programming, LNCS 7850,
pp. 233-269. Springer, Heidelberg. 2013.
Journal Papers
- Zara Hassan, Christoph Treude, Michael Norrish, Graham
Williams, and Alex
Potanin. Characterising
Reproducibility Debt in Scientific Software: A Systematic
Literature Review. The Journal of Systems & Software
(Accepted in December 2024).
- Tobias Runge, Tabea Bordis, Alex Potanin, Thomas Thum, Ina
Schaefer. Flexible
Correct-by-Construction Programming. Logical Methods
in Computer Science. 2023. Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages
- Tobias Runge, Marco Servetto, Alex Potanin, Ina
Schaefer. Immutability
and Encapsulation for Sound OO Information Flow
Control. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
Systems. 2022. Volume 45, Issue 1, Article No.: 3 pp 1–35.
- Isaac Oscar Gariano, Marco Servetto, Alex
Potanin. Using
Capabilities for Strict Runtime Invariant
Checking. Science of Computer Programming, Volume 224,
- Darya Melicher, Anlun Xu, Valerie Zhao, Alex Potanin,
Aldrich. Bounded
Abstract Effects. TOPLAS, Volume 44, Issue 1, March
- Isaac Oscar Gariano, Marco Servetto, Alex Potanin, Hrshikesh
Arora. Iteratively Composing Statically Verified Traits.
VPT-2019 Post-Proceedings as a volume
of Electronic
Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
(EPTCS). Issue
299, Paper 7.
- Chris Male, David Pearce, Alex Potanin, and Constantine Dymnikov.
and Implementation of an Algorithm for Bytecode Verification of
Types. Science
of Computer Programming. Volume 76, Issue 7, Pages 587 - 608,
July 2011.
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, Dave Clarke, and Robert Biddle.
Generic Confinement.
Journal of Functional Programming.
Volume 16, Number 6, Pages 793 - 811, September 2006.
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, Marcus Frean, and Robert Biddle.
Geometry in Object-Oriented Programs.
Communications of the ACM.
Pages 99 - 103. May
2005. (ACM
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, and Robert Biddle.
Ownership and Confinement.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
Volume 16, Issue 7, Pages 671 - 687, 2004.
Refereed Conference Papers
- Emmanuel Iko-Ojo Simon, Chirath Hettiarachchi, Alex Potanin,
Hanna Suominen, and Fatemeh Fard. Automated Detection of
Algorithm Debt in Deep Learning Frameworks: An Empirical
Study. In ICSME 2024 Registered Reports Track.
- David Young, Ziyi Yang, Ilya Sergey, Alex
Potanin. Higher-Order
Specifications for Deductive Synthesis of Programs with
Pointers. In ECOOP 2024.
- Amos Robinson, Alex
Potanin. Pipit
on the Post: proving pre- and post-conditions of reactive
systems. In ECOOP 2024.
- Zara Hassan, Christoph Treude, Michael Norrish, Graham
Williams, Alex
Potanin. Reproducibility
Debt: Challenges and Future Pathways. In FSE-IVR 2024
2024 Ideas, Visions and Reflections Track).
- Tobias Runge, Alexander Kittelmann, Marco Servetto, Alex
Potanin, and Ina
Schaefer. Information
Flow Control-by-Construction for an Object-Oriented
Language. In proceedings of SEFM 2022.
- Tobias Runge, Alex Potanin, Thomas Thum, and Ina
Schaefer. Traits:
Correctness-by-Construction for Free. In proceedings
of FORTE 2022. Won FORTE 2022 Best Paper award.
- Manish Singh, Lindsay Groves, and Alex
Potanin. A
Relaxed Balanced Lock-free Binary Tree. In proceedings
of PDCAT 2020.
- Julian Mackay, Alex Potanin, Jonathan Aldrich, and Lindsay
Groves. Syntactically
Restricting Bounded Polymorphism for Decidable Subtyping.
In proceedings of APLAS2020.
- Julian Mackay, Alex Potanin, Jonathan Aldrich, and Lindsay
Groves. Decidable
Subtyping for Path Dependent Types. In proceedings of
POPL2020. Additionally, the artifact successfully passed the
Artifact Evaluation and was given Reusable Artifact
- Aaron Craig, Alex Potanin, Lindsay Groves and Jonathan
Aldrich. Capabilities:
Effects for Free. In proceedings of ICFEM2018. Pp
231-247. Springer.
- Jens Dietrich, Kamil Jezek, Shawn Rasheed, Amjed Tahir, Alex
Potanin. EvilPickles:
DoS attacks based on Object-Graph Engineering. In
proceedings of ECOOP2017. Additionally, the artifact
successfully passed the Artifact Evaluation. This paper won
ECOOP 2017 Distinguished Artifact Award.
- Darya Melicher, Yangqingwei Shi, Alex Potanin, Jonathan
Aldrich. A
Capability-Based Module System for Authority Control. In
proceedings of ECOOP2017. Additionally, the artifact
successfully passed the Artifact Evaluation.
- Garming Sam, Nicholas Cameron and Alex
Potanin. Automated
Refactoring of Rust Programs. Article No.: 14. In
of ACSC2017.
- Joseph Lee, Jonathan Aldrich, Troy Shaw, Alex
Potanin. A
Theory of Tagged Objects. In proceedings of
ECOOP2015. Pp 999-1026. Additionally, the artifact on
the software section of my home page
successfully passed the Artifact Evaluation.
- Cyrus Omar, Darya Kurilova, Ligia Nistor, Benjamin Chung, Alex
Potanin, and Jonathan
Aldrich. Safely
Composable Type-Specific Languages. In proceedings of
ECOOP2014. Pp 105-130. Springer-Verlag. This paper won ECOOP
2014 Distinguished Paper Award.
- Marco Servetto, Julian Mackay, Alex Potanin, and James
Noble. The
Billion-Dollar Fix: Safe Modular Circular Initialisation with
Placeholders and Placeholder Types. In proceedings of
ECOOP2013. Pp 205-229. Springer-Verlag.
- Constantine Dymnikov, David Pearce and Alex
Potanin. OwnKit:
Inferring Modularly Checkable Ownership Annotations for
Java. In proceedings of the Australasian Software
Engineering Conference (ASWEC) 2013. Pp 181-190. IEEE.
- Alex Potanin, Monique Damitio and James
Noble. Are
Your Incoming Aliases Really Necessary? Counting the Cost of
Object Ownership. In proceedings of the International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2013. Pp
742-751. ACM/IEEE.
- Atkins, Alex Potanin and Lindsay
Groves. The
Design and Implementation of Clocked Variables in X10.
In proceedings of Australasian Computer Science Conference
(ACSC) 2013. Pp
87-96. CRPIT.
- Jan Larres, Alex Potanin and Yuichi
Hirose. A
Study of Performance Variations in the Mozilla Firefox Web
Browser. In proceedings of Australasian Computer Science
Conference (ACSC) 2013. Pp
3-12. CRPIT.
- Hien Tran, Craig Anslow, Stuart Marshall, Alex Potanin, Mairead
Roiste. Lessons
Learnt from Collaboratively Creating Maps on a Touch
Table. In proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the
New Zealand Chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on
Computer-Human Interaction (CHINZ) 2011. Pp. 105-108. ACM
- Yoav Zibin, Alex Potanin, Paley Li, Mahmood Ali, Michael
D. Ernst.
and Immutability in Generic Java. In proceedings of
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
(OOPSLA) 2010. Pp. 598-617. ACM.
- Radu Muschevici, Alex Potanin, Ewan Tempero, and James Noble.
Dispatch in Practice. In proceedings of Object-Oriented
Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA)
2008. Pp. 563-582. ACM.
- Chris Male, David Pearce, Alex Potanin, and Constantine Dymnikov.
Bytecode Verification for @NonNull Types. In proceedings
of Compiler Construction (CC) 2008. Pp 229-244.
- Neil Ramsay, Stuart Marshall, and Alex Potanin.
UI Architecture with Actual Use. In proceedings of
Australasian User Interface Conference
(AUIC) 2008. Pp. 75-78. CRPIT.
- Yoav Zibin, Alex Potanin, Mahmood Ali, Shay Artzi, Adam Kiezun,
and Michael D. Ernst.
and Reference Immutability using Java Generics. In
proceedings of
the Foundations of
Software Engineering (FSE) Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
September 2007. Pp. 75-84. ACM. (Won ESEC/FSE 2007 ACM SIGSOFT
Distinguished Paper Award.)
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, Dave Clarke, and Robert Biddle.
Ownership for Generic Java. In proceedings of
the Object-Oriented Programming,
Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA) Conference,
Portland, Oregon, October
2006. Pp. 311-324. ACM. (ACM
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, and Robert Biddle.
Query-Based Debugging. In proceedings of
the Australian
Software Engineering Conference, Melbourne, Australia, April
2004. Pp 251-261.
Refereed Workshop Papers
- Abhaas Goyal, Alex Potanin and Jonathan
Aldrich. A
Comparative Study of Traditional versus Capability-Based
Module Systems for Modern Programming
Languages. In PLATEAU
- Amos Robinson and Alex
Potanin. Pipit:
Reactive Systems in F Star (Extended Abstract). In
TyDe 2023.
- Baptiste Pauget, David Pearce, and Alex
Potanin. Towards
Compilation of an Imperative Language for FPGAs. In VMIL
- James Noble, Sophia Drossopoulou, Mark S Miller, Toby Murray and
Potanin. Abstract
Data Types in Object-Capability Systems. In IWACO
- Du Li, Alex Potanin, and Jonathan
Aldrich. Delegation
vs Inheritance for Typestate Analysis. In FTfJP 2015.
- Darya Kurilova, Alex Potanin, and Jonathan
Aldrich. Wyvern:
Impacting Software Security via Programming Language
Design. In PLATEAU 2014. Pages 57-58.
- James Noble and Alex
Potanin. On
Owners-as-Accessors. In IWACO 2014.
- Jonathan Aldrich, Cyrus Omar, Alex Potanin and Du
Li. Language-Based
Architectural Control. In IWACO 2014.
- Cyrus Omar, Benjamin Chung, Darya Kurilova, Alex Potanin and
Aldrich. Type-Directed,
Whitespace-Delimited Parsing for Embedded DSLs. In
proceedings of the First Workshop on the Globalization of Domain
Specific Languages (GlobalDSL) 2013. Pp 8-11.
- Ligia Nistor, Darya Kurilova, Stephanie Balzer, Benjamin Chung,
Alex Potanin and Jonathan
Aldrich. Wyvern:
A Simple, Typed, and Pure Object-Oriented Language. In
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on MechAnisms for SPEcialization,
Generalization and inHeritance (MASPEGHI) 2013. Pp 9-16.
- Marco Servetto, David Pearce, Lindsay Groves, and Alex
Potanin. Balloon
Types for Safe Parallelisation over Arbitrary Object
Graphs. Workshop on Determinism and Correctness in
Parallel Programming (WoDeT) 2013.
- Atkins, Alex Potanin, Lindsay
Groves. Clocked
References in X10. Languages for the Multicore Era
(LaME) 2012.
- Julian Mackay, Hannes Mehnert, Alex Potanin, Lindsay Groves,
Cameron. Encoding
Featherweight Java with Assignment and Immutability using The Coq
Proof Assistant. In the proceedings of Formal Techniques
for Java-like Programs (FTfJP) 2012. Pp 11-19.
- Yoav Zibin, Alex Potanin, Paley Li, Mahmood Ali, Michael
D. Ernst.
Ownership and Immutability in Generic Java (OIGJ). IBM
Programming Languages and Development Environments Seminar 2010
- Paley Li, Stephen Nelson, and Alex Potanin.
Ownership for
Relationships. International Workshop on Aliasing,
Confinement, and Ownership (IWACO) 2009. Article No. 8.
- Paley Li, Alex Potanin, James Noble, and Lindsay Groves.
Unifying Immutability and Ownership. International
Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement, and Ownership (IWACO) at
- Christo Fogelberg, Alex Potanin, and James Noble.
Meets Java. International Workshop on Aliasing,
Confinement, and Ownership (IWACO) at ECOOP2007.
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, Tian Zhao, Jan Vitek.
A High Integrity Profile for Memory Safe Programming in
Real-time Java. In proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Java
Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems, San Diego, CA,
USA, October 2005.
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, Dave Clarke, Robert Biddle.
Generic Ownership. In proceedings of the workshop on
Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP)
in European Conference for
Object-Oriented Programming, Glasgow, Scotland, July
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, Dave Clarke, Robert Biddle.
Generic Java to Ownership. In proceedings of the workshop
on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP)
in European Conference for
Object-Oriented Programming, Oslo, Norway, June 2004.
- Alex Potanin, James Noble, Dave Clarke, and Robert Biddle.
Generic Confinement. In proceedings of
the International
Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages (FOOL),
with Symposium
on Principles of Programming Languages, Venice, Italy, January
- James Noble, Robert Biddle, Ewan Tempero, Alex Potanin, and Dave Clarke.
a Model of Encapsulation. In proceedings of the
International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership
(IWACO) in European Conference for
Object-Oriented Programming, Darmstadt, Germany, July
- Alex Potanin and James Noble.
Ownership and Confinement Properties. In proceedings of
the workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP)
in European Conference for
Object-Oriented Programming, Malaga, Spain, June 2002.
Edited Journals
- Alex Potanin and Bor-Yuh Evan Chang (Associate
Editors). OOPSLA
Volume 8 Issue OOPSLA1
Volume 8 Issue OOPSLA2.
- Alex Potanin and Gail Murphy
(Editors). Special
Issue on the 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
(APSEC) 2016. Science of Computer Programming. Volume
163, 1 October 2018.
- Alex Potanin
(Editor). Special
Issue on New Object-Oriented Languages (NOOL) 2015.
Journal of Object Technology. Volume 16, no. 2 (April
- Taso Viglas and Alex Potanin
(Editors). Special
Issue on Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium
2011. International Journal on Foundations of Computer
Science (IJFCS), 2013. Vol. No. 24, Issue No. 1.
- Taso Viglas and Alex Potanin
(Editors). Special
Issue on Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium
2010. Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science
(CJTCS), May 2011. Volume 2010.
Other Refereed Publications
- Manish Singh, Lindsay Groves, Alex Potanin. A Relaxed
Balanced Non-Blocking Binary Search Tree. Poster in
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP)
- Isaac Oscar Gariano, Marco Servetto, Alex Potanin, Hrshikesh
Arora. Iteratively Composing Statically Verified Traits.
Extended Abstract at Seventh International Workshop on Verification
and Program Transformation (VPT 2019).
- Darya Melicher, Yangqingwei Shi, Valerie Zhao, Alex Potanin, and
Jonathan Aldrich. Using Object Capabilities and Effects to
Build an Authority-Safe Module System. Poster in HotSoS
- Aaron Craig, Alex Potanin, Lindsay Groves, Jonathan
Aldrich. Capabilities
and Effects. In OCAP 2017.
- Darya Melicher, Yangqingwei Shi, Valerie Zhao, Alex Potanin, and
Aldrich. Using
Object Capabilities and Effects to Build an Authority-Safe Module
System. In OCAP 2017.
- Jonathan Aldrich and Alex Potanin. Usably Expressing and
Enforcing Design in Wyvern. In NOOL 2017.
- Jens Dietrich, Kamil Jezek, Shawn Rasheed, Amjed Tahir, Alex
Potanin. EvilPickles: DoS attacks based on Object-Graph
Engineering (Artifact). In DARTS.
- Darya Melicher, Yangqingwei Shi, Alex Potanin, Jonathan
Aldrich. A Capability-Based Module System for Authority Control
(Artifact). In DARTS.
- Jonathan Aldrich and Alex
Potanin. Delegation
Revisited. NOOL 2016.
- Jonathan Aldrich and Alex Potanin. Naturally Embedded
DSLs. DSLDI 2016.
- Darya Kurilova, Alex Potanin, and Jonathan Aldrich. Modules
in Wyvern: Advanced Control over Security and Privacy.
Poster in HotSOS 2016. See last
page here.
- Joseph Lee, Jonathan Aldrich, Troy Shaw, and Alex Potanin. A
Theory of Tagged Objects
(Artifact). DARTS,
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015.
- Cyrus Omar, Darya Kurilova, Ligia Nistor, Benjamin Chung, Alex
Potanin, and Jonathan Aldrich. Safely Composable Type-Specific
Languages. Poster in ECOOP2014.
- Darya Kurilova, Cyrus Omar, Ligia Nistor, Benjamin Chung, Alex
Potanin, Jonathan Aldrich. Type-Specific Languages to Fight
Injection Attacks. Poster in HotSOS 2014.
- Cyrus Omar, Benjamin Chung, Darya Kurilova, Ligia Nistor, Alex
Potanin, Jonathan Aldrich. Extensible Type-Driven Parsing for
Embedded DSLs in Wyvern. Parsing@SLE 2013.
- Cyrus Omar, Benjamin Chung, Darya Kurilova, Ligia Nistor, Alex
Potanin, Jonathan Aldrich. Extensible Type-Driven Parsing for
Embedded DSLs in Wyvern. Poster in SPLASH2013.
- Jonathan Aldirch, Benjamin Chung, Darya Kurilova, Cyrus Omar,
Alex Potanin. DSL support in Wyvern Language. Domain
Specific Language Design and Implementation (DSLDI) 2013.
- Jan Larres, Alex Potanin, and Yuichi Hirose.
Performance Variance Evaluation on Mozilla Firefox. In the
proceedings of the NZCSRSC2011.
- Mairead de Roiste, Hien Tran, and Alex Potanin. What makes a
map? At Ireland Organisation for Geographic Information
Conference (IRLOGI) 2010.
- Chris Andreae, Donald Gordon, Alex Potanin, James Noble, Robert Biddle.
Terrier: Static Query-Based Debugging in Eclipse. Poster
in Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, Vancouver,
Canada, October 2004.
- Alex Potanin.
Generic Ownership:
Practical Ownership Control in Programming Languages. In
Doctoral Symposium Proceedings
of Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, Vancouver,
Canada, October 2004.
- Alex Potanin.
Ownership Control in Programming Languages. In Doctoral
Symposium Proceedings of European
Conference for Object-Oriented Programming, Oslo, Norway, June
- Alex Potanin.
Tool for Ownership and Confinement Analysis of the Java Object
Graph. Conference poster and student research
competition entry
in Object-Oriented
Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications
Conference, Seattle, USA, November 2002. The poster itself is
available in Microsoft PowerPoint
format here.
This entry was awarded a second place in the competition in
the graduate division, even though I was technically an
undergraduate. The results are
available here.
(Update: This entry was accepted into the ACM Student
Research Competition Grand Finals and can be found in HTML
format here.
It was awarded a second place overall in the undergraduate
category as can be
found here.)
Patent Application